Who are we?

Almonte Baptist Church is a Gospel-centered and missions-based community church, with the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec (CBOQ), lovingly worshipping and witnessing together.

Our Mission

A community deepening its love for God and for others

Our Style

ABC is a place where everyone is welcome! Sunday mornings you’ll see folks in jeans and t-shirts and folks in their “Sunday best.” Come as you are with an open heart, that’s all we ask. 



The service is about 1.25 – 1.5hrs long with a mix of contemporary Christian worship music and traditional hymns – we value both! You can expect a balanced approach to the format incorporating a mission update, music, scripture and a relevant and interesting sermon, usually by our Pastor Jim Perkins. 



Occasionally we will have a guest speaker, like a missionary home visiting, or we’ll hear from someone in our community talking about what God means to them and what their journey of faith has been like to this point.



Kids are welcome to hang out with the grown-ups during the service, part way through kids ages 3-10yrs will have the option to head to Sunday school with police-checked volunteers. In the rare case that there is no Sunday school, there will be activity sheets for them to access if you so choose. There is a small nursery behind the sanctuary as well as two washrooms and a kitchen adjoining a small fellowship hall. 



If you have any questions at all about what to expect or even questions regarding faith and how this Christian life fits into today’s world, feel free to send us an email and either our pastor or one of our elders will get back to you as soon as they can. Here’s the email address: almontebaptistchurch@gmail.com


Our Leadership

ABC is grateful for the men and women who serve the Lord as they serve our community and congregation.

Our overseers as a church community are:

•our Pastor: Jim Perkins

•our Elders: Carolyn Klickermann and Donna Droogh

•our Board of Directors: Avis Ward, Carolyn Klickermann, Patsy Littler, Donna & Will Droogh, Jake Perkins, Jim & Shana Perkins.

for more info please see our ABC Leadership Team page.


Founded in 1864 and erected in 1868, Almonte Baptist Church has long been committed to the town of Almonte and its community. We cherish the spiritual heritage of the founding members as well as the quaintness of the building.